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LLH | Lessons from the less heard - ART 27 is part of the LLH-project
How to amplify the voices that are under-represented in the production of and discourse on culture / cultural environment?

This is the central question to the Erasmus+ -funded Strategic Partnership project, Lessons from Less Heard.

In this project, we commit to :

1) improve the competence of cultural organisations to promote social inclusion of ethnic minorities and social cohesion within communities, and

2) create relatable cultural products as well as concrete experiences of inclusion for ethnic minorities. 


Please, visit the project website

SMART | Systematic measurement of Outcomes

ART 27 is part of the SMART-project, an Erasmus+ project supported by the EU-commission.


The SMART project sets up a quality framework of quality criteria, indicators and benchmarks that measures developments of learners, impacts of informal and non-formal learning methods and evidences success factors of second chance education.

The aims are to build an evidence base of outcomes and impacts of second chance education and to enhance the quality and relevance of learning offers in education, training & youth work through the active transfer of second chance good practices.


Please, visit the project website

Internationale Dag van de Moedertaal


Op 21 februari viert UNESCO ieder jaar weer de Inrenationale Dag van de Moedertaal. Het Berenhuis / Art 27 vzw organiseert naar aanleiding van die dag een TALEN(T)ENFEEST. Dit jaar waren we te gastin Rode Kruis OPvangcentrum De Bark in Heusden-Zolder.

In de namiddag veroverden de kinderen het podium. 's Avonds was het de beurt aan de volwassenen om elkaar met poëzie, teksten, verhalen en muziek in diverse talen om de oren te slaan.


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MOBILE - Mobility in Learning in EUrope


MOBILE offers easy accessible, up-to-date information about international work exchange for youngsters to prosper the social inclusion,self-esteem, confidence and European working opportunities.


Please, visit the project website for teachers and projectsite for learners

MOBILE - Mobility in Learning in EUrope


MOBILE offers easy accessible, up-to-date information about international work exchange for youngsters to prosper the social inclusion,self-esteem, confidence and European working opportunities.


Please, visit the project website for teachers and projectsite for learners

756 IDEAS for a DREAM
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